If you get accepted into our FSW Bootcamp, you are expected to pay LBP 510,000 upon admission. (If you were already enrolled in our FCS before and paid the fees, you don’t need to pay it again in FSW) After you graduate from the Bootcamp, and if ONLY IF you get employed, you will be contractually obligated to pay SE Factory a “Success Fee” following acceptance of a job offer, equivalent to: A $2,000 (two thousand USD) fee, if your gross monthly salary is equal to or less than $2,000 in the total amount. Or, one gross monthly salary if the salary exceeds a total of $2,000. You have the choice to pay this all at once, or in monthly installments spread over a period of 12 to 16 months. As a social enterprise, our mission is to transform the lives of young coders in Lebanon by improving their skills and helping them find viable and exciting job opportunities. By accepting to pay a one-month salary back to SE Factory, you are making it possible for more youth to also experience and benefit from this life-changing program :)