// “Hello World”
- Intro to the Bootcamp
- How do Internet and Websites actually work
- Git, GitHub, & GitHub Pages
- Intro to UI/UX
- CSS: Intro and Anatomy
- Flexbox & Responsiveness
- Intro to JavaScript
- Foundations of Computer Science: Recap 1 (Data Structures & Big O Notation)
- Code Review
- Weekend Assignment
// “You only have 3 seconds to make a good impression”
- Briefing about Bootstrap 4 & jQuery
- Intro to Figma Design
- The Document Object Model
- Intermediate JS
- ES6
- Arrow Functions & Promises
- Database Management Systems & MySQL
- Foundations of Computer Science: Recap 2 (Practice & Critical Thinking)
- Weekend Group Project
Student Evaluation Committee - EVALUATION & NOMINATION
// “The Kitchen”
- Intro to Backend Web Development
- Vanilla PHP
- Object Oriented PHP
- SQL Programming
- Code Review ES6 applications
- JSON Objects
- Foundations of Computer Science: Recap 3 (Sorting & Searching Algorithms)
- Weekend Project
// “The Updated Kitchen”
- Database Normalization & Indexing
- PHP and MySQL
- API Calls
- Foundations of Computer Science: Recap 4 (OOP in depth)
- Weekend Challenge
Student Evaluation Committee - EVALUATION & NOMINATION
// “The School”
- Intro to Laravel
- Middleware, Routing, Controllers
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Authentication vs Authorization
- Eloquent Models
- Foundations of Computer Science: Recap 5 (More on Recursions)
- Weekend Project
// “Happy developers make the best code”
- Intro to React
- Class vs Function components
- Props & States
- Lifecycle methods
- Hooks
- Foundations of Computer Science: Recap 6 (Interviews Preparation)
- Weekend Group Project: Laravel & React
Student Evaluation Committee - EVALUATION & NOMINATION
// “Era of JavaScript”
- Node.js
- Express
- NoSQL (including applications on MongoDB)
- Building APIs using Node.js and Mongoose
- Foundations of Computer Science: Recap 7 (Interviews Preparation)
- Weekend Project: Electron.js, React, Node.js and MongoDB
// “Expand Your Knowledge Horizons.”
- Tech Talk Week
- Workshops
- Meetups
- Alumni Gathering
Final Student Evaluation Committee - EVALUATION & NOMINATION
During this phase, students start working on their final projects.
The SEF team act as consultants for the following:
- Features Functionalities and Finalization
- Architecture and Infrastructure
- Code Cleaning and Documentation
- Deployment on AWS (EC2 instances)
- Github and ReadMe Publication